We took him, blindfolded, up to the top ridge at Hart's Cove and showed him the view of Clemson. This showed him his mission field as a whole, the campus of Clemson and sometimes the community surrounding. As I was taking him up there I thought about what else to do and thought of the dike up at the rowing facility. So we re-blindfolded him and took him to the dike at the rowing facilities. When re unblindfolded him it showed him another angle of the campus. From the dike he could not see the whole campus, similar to our life, working hard for a bigger project, a bigger vision than what we can see.
This is something i think we are often guilty of.... wanting to see and do everything in the ministry.
mother Teresa,
In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.
It is not how much we do... but how much love we put in that action.
We need to trust and know that what we are doing does not show the full picture but is a part of a bigger picture, a bigger battle, a bigger community.
Find your place among Jesus's followers and pursue it with Great Love.
Far Away

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