Saturday, December 23, 2006

Christmas Eve Eve

Its the eve of Christmas eve and I am "hanging out" with my family. I'm the only one left hanging. My sister and brother-in-law on slept like 3 hours before driving up today and my mom and dad woke up at the crack of dawn for no reason and shopped all day leaving me the only one still awake. At least i get my say on what sports game we watch.

I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a great time with all their families.

Fact you need to know: best 100 yard dash time for someone over 100 years old 17.8 seconds by the ol' man Larry Lewis.

that man is old.....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Post Trip

The trip was ridiclious. A ton of things happened in not a lot of time

  1. 44 cubans were illegally smuggled on the island

  2. swam with 5 foot baracudas

  3. did some great snorkeling

  4. met two guys sailing around the country

  5. met 1 guy who rode his bike 6500 miles to the keys, solo

  6. made a message in a bottle with all my contact info and threw it in the middle of gulf

It was a sweet trip and i definetly recommend anyone to go down there and spend a few days. It the kind of place that attracts interesting people and the people we met were interesting to say the least.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Stresses of Travel

As I have informed many of you that know me personally (shout out to all the random bloggers that daily read the latest news and actions of Kevin Baynard) I am going to "The Dry Tortugas" Friday morning.
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[open edition]   Fort Jefferson moat and seawall. Dry <span onclick=Tortugas National Park" height="391" width="576">

This is a 16+ hour trip that will be broken up with a 2 car caravan to Orlando, a 6-8 hour lay over and a midnight drive to key west for a 7:15AM boat ride to this lonely yet peaceful island. This first half of the trip will be made with 3 guys and 2 girls and that makes me nervous. 8 hours of co-rec travel does not equal the smooth sailing the dry tortugas will create. You know the drill, there is not enough space for male pride and women's estrogen in one vehicle. I think this is the root of the frequent bathroom breaks, inappropriate times to be hungry. You see you know how men are, every trip must be a record break time trial and women frequently create an insurmountable amount of obstacles to try and slow the record.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Last night I got a spontaneous haircut.
A special thanks to Shannon Anna and Megan.
They made my mohawk what it is today because they made my mohawk.

Its a mohawk and needless to say its pretty sweet.
Disclaimer: All pictures below are to be taken lightly and as a metaphor.

As you notice the girls are definitely enjoying my acting.

This is the image that most mohawks get.
I obviously did not get this mohawk for frivolous exam study distraction.
I got this mohawk to try and change the image of mohawk culture.
Today I passed out cookies in the library with a mohawk.
It was not received as well as Ryan Etheridge who did not have a mohawk but I am making steps to converge the two cultures into one.

Monday, December 11, 2006


This is a picture i found on Claire's blog as i was just doing some blogging research. It is a map of where people that click on her link live. But amazingly the dots surrounding clemson make a huge smiley face. :) What deep meaning and symbolism. Clemson is such a happy place. There is such great friends and memories i have here that i will never forget. I love clemson. I love everyone at clemson.

keep it happy

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I just created a blog and i am in the library laughing out loud about it. I am very inexperienced in blog world so i left speechless about the ins and outs of blogging. I am going to do some research on what is appropriate/trendy to post on my blog. Maybe give it some direction and vision. I always heard if you dont have vision you will run into a lot of walls and fall down a lot.

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