Friday, January 23, 2009

Life in the country.

I have been back about 3 weeks now and have gotten back in to the swing of things. I have begun to take steps to get Julio's kid hearing aids. We found a place that only charges $12.50 for each doctor visit and then helps him to find the cheapest hearing aids possible. I am hoping to get a picture of Michael soon to post on here. Your prayers are still continually appreciated as this process can be very difficult in a third world country.
2 of my friends that I went to college
with came down here a week after I did for three months. It truly has been the biggest blessing to have some consistent people around. Since most of the missionaries here at the orphanage are in a completely different walk of life than me or live off the property, serious lack of community was something I experienced for first time in my life. It really taught me about the importance of relationships with other believers and why the bible empathizes community so much. But needless to say these two girls have been a huge breath of fresh air to me and Fifo here at the orphanage.

All of us at the beach.

we had a party with a pinata and this shows how all ages will still fight for candy.

Jamie Ripped his fingernail off so I played Doctor Baynard tofix it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


So I told you about the school that I visited. All day wed I prayed and thought about the opportunity I had. Upon thinking and praying about it I just felt that it was not for me, even though it seemed so right. Thanks for your prayers but for now I am going to hold tight in Los Cedros and even pursue some opportunities here.

Yesterday the Tia's (aunt's) had the little kids make their own kites and then fly them in the wind. I felt this was something only best explained in photos. FYI Celeste in the picture flew much better than any kites that day.


Yelkin in the foreground and Jose in the background

Celeste Flying through the Nicaraguan Sky.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Even though I just got settled in Los Cedros to work here at the orphanage yesterday I looked at making a move. When I first came back I just felt that maybe my time here was up and this couldn't be a place I was at long term. So I began to explore other opportunities.

Within a few hours, I found a ywam, youth with a mission, school in a small town called diriamba about an hour from here. They had an opening for a construction facilities manager in Sept. But to work with them you have to attend their mission training school that is 5 months long and it starts monday. I went to visit them yesterday and see what I thought and to get a feel for the place.

They had everything that I was looking for. A beautiful property, people from all cultures including nicaragua and other latin american countries. The climate there is amazing and it is in the middle of a larger town than Los Cedros. Now I am left to pray about this situation for the next few days before i decide.

I know that it would be good for me and I would learn a lot but I want some confirmation that this is a place I could spend some time and not just go to school for 5 months and be at the same place. Please pray that I will get some confirmation in that over the next few days.

Over and Out

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sorry I took a few weeks off as i took a few weeks off of my journey. I wanted to sincerely thank everyone that gave me money to help Julio's (the guy I have lived with the last two months I was here) son Michael get a hearing aid. Julio may claim Christianity as many people in the States do but he does not act on these things. I am excited to see how this gift to his family will lead to conversatoins about Christ's Love.

I ask that yall will continue to pray for me as I am down here. Just in the hour that I have been here, I have felt the desire to pray for change and Christ's Love to be re-instated in these communities but also the burden that the mountain is so high and the climb is so long.

Thank you,

More stories to come.