Thursday, April 30, 2009

a Change.

Monday I left Nicaragua and the orphanage and came to Mexico where I spent last summer. It was a decision made very quickly but I had a huge peace about making. It is very hard to express the whole story that led me to this place in a blog.

I was working with an orphanage that admittedly had problems in their organization and they are looking for people to spend years there to help fix the problems. There was also a demand to commit a lot of time there for the sake of the kids. A horrible fact of orphanages is that the kids are the only ones who can’t leave. I have seen how these boys have lived their lives with people continuing to come in and out every 6 months, 1 year, or possibly 3 years but they are always there.

For these two reasons, I was always debating if the orphanage was really a place that I wanted to pour out my heart for the next 5 years mainly for the sake of a consistency to the boys. As time passed I realized that this place was not that place for me.

I thought if I stayed 3 more months I would be faced with the same faltering decision if I was going to stay 6 more months or not and didn’t see a long term commitment in the future. More details to follow.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back in Los Cedros.

I am back in los cedros with the boys and the crew. I spent my last weekend in Matagalpa hiking up to the top of this mountain over viewing Matagalpa. I learned a whole lot of spanish while i was in Matagalpa. I pretty much only spoke in english when i talked to my mom or translated anything for the school. This has proven to clearly be the best way to learn another language. I will definetly plug this school becuase i thought of it to be very professional.

Now that I am back in Los Cedros, I am left to make some big decisions here in Los Cedros. If I am going to stay I want to stay for another long little while to continue to make a impact in the boys lifes. But I am not confident that I have a true role in this organization. I am working that out with the leadership these next few weeks. Please be praying that Lord will show me a direction to go and make it clear to me.
Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

clebrating the resurrection with high school nicaraguan catholics.

The week before easter is a huge week for the Central American culture. No one works and they have many celebrations of the resurrection and the time leading to Easter. Yesterday I went with one of my friends I have met up here at matagalpa to a youth rally to celebrate the resurrection. There were close to 2000 high school aged kids that came to this one day conference at 7AM.

They had a few different speakers and a lot of music and at 3 PM we began to walk back down the mountain behind the cross to the local cathedral in the town. It was about 3 miles that they closed down one side of the highway for us to walk all the way to the steps of the cathedral where they had a closing ceremony and the bishop of the country spoke a word to the kids. It was a really interesting ceremony.

more stories from semana santa (holy week) to come...