Last night I got a spontaneous haircut.
A special thanks to Shannon Anna and Megan.
They made my mohawk what it is today because they made my mohawk.
Its a mohawk and needless to say its pretty sweet.
Disclaimer: All pictures below are to be taken lightly and as a metaphor.

As you notice the girls are definitely enjoying my acting.

This is the image that most mohawks get.
I obviously did not get this mohawk for frivolous exam study distraction.
I got this mohawk to try and change the image of mohawk culture.
Today I passed out cookies in the library with a mohawk.
It was not received as well as Ryan Etheridge who did not have a mohawk but I am making steps to converge the two cultures into one.
HOW is this a metaphor?
maybe it wasn't the mohawk as much as it was the logo on your shirt.
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