Yesterday we went to a woman's house that lives just right outside the largest dump in Latin America, La Chureca, to pray. This woman, Ruby, and her family have spent the last 20 years right outside this dump ministering and praying for these people. Her family is a powerful testimony by their faithfulness to what God called them to do the last 20 years.
Somehow in just making conversation, all the most confrontational topics about the bible came up; if you had to be baptized to be saved, where your righteousness comes from, can women be pastors, can you lose your salvation.
One girl with us had recently started walking with the Lord and she was not baptized. And they began to tell her she had to get baptized if she really wanted to be saved.
On the ride back we began talking about it and realized that a few of them were really shaken up by the different views that Ruby had compared to themselves. They dwelled on these things for the next few hours of what is true and what is false against the word of God. I was just thinking how imporant it is to know the things that you will not compromise about your faith. For me, the one thing that stands out is the truth that God sent Jesus Christ to take on flesh and die for our sins by the pouring out of his blood on the cross.
I think we need to know our uncompromisables about our faith. Things that if they are changed, they change the message of the gospel. It is clear the bible opens the opportunities for people to stand on both sides of a lot of topics but there are a few that if you change them you change the way you follow Christ. I challenege you to look for those things for you and as said in 1 peter 3:15
But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,