Today, more stuff went wrong than any other day I think I have ever been apart of.
The water lines had two main leaks.
The house for well was blown over by the wind.
I took an hour and half bus ride to Managua for a doctor's appointment only to find out it was Friday not today.
We had a fire that burned 75% of our property but didn't get to any buildings.
I ruined one of my best pants fighting the fire.
We ruined a tire on the tractor fighting the fire.
The orphanage owns 85 acres and 75% of burned in what started was a brush fire. Quite the excitement. Basically the whole property was covered in weeds over head high and we frantically tried to stop it from coming on the property for 4 hours as we watched it come with little success. Then when it came crunch time where it was either put out the fire or lose vegetable plants we succeed.
At about the same time two fire trucks came 1 hour and 45 min after we called them and came to the agreement that if they came we would pay for their gas. They fought the fires for about an hour, I paid them 25 bucks 6 liters of soda and a bag of bread thinking the day was over at 5PM.
Then I get a call at about 5:15 while I am enjoying my own soda at the front end of the property that the fire has returned. For the next two hours we fought the fire by smothering it with large leafy branches.
What a day! I am thankful that you are okay. Praying for you and enjoying keeping up with you on the blog.
Wow K Bay, add fire fighter to your list of all the things you've done. I'm thankful you saved the veggies though. Prayin for ya.
Oh my goodness Kevin! You are living quite an exciting life down there! What a different culture when you are offering to pay them in cash and sodas to put out a fire!?? Thank the Lord no one was hurt...
Too bad about your pants and the tire. :-)
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