Wednesday, April 8, 2009

clebrating the resurrection with high school nicaraguan catholics.

The week before easter is a huge week for the Central American culture. No one works and they have many celebrations of the resurrection and the time leading to Easter. Yesterday I went with one of my friends I have met up here at matagalpa to a youth rally to celebrate the resurrection. There were close to 2000 high school aged kids that came to this one day conference at 7AM.

They had a few different speakers and a lot of music and at 3 PM we began to walk back down the mountain behind the cross to the local cathedral in the town. It was about 3 miles that they closed down one side of the highway for us to walk all the way to the steps of the cathedral where they had a closing ceremony and the bishop of the country spoke a word to the kids. It was a really interesting ceremony.

more stories from semana santa (holy week) to come...

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